Monday, April 16, 2012

My Art1 pieces

This piece is herpy derpy dodo. It was made in art 1 using markers and colored pencils. It is a mixture of many shapes and colors
This piece is titled: still life of stuff. I made it in Art 1 using a pencil. It is a still life made with shadows
This piece is titled: river flower. It was made in Art 1 using chalk pastels. It is a picture of a flower in front of a river
This picture is a self portrait of myself. I made it with a pencil in Art 1. It is titled: Ryley

This is a box that has my initials on each side. I made it using colored pencils in Art 1. It is titled: RJM box
This is a picture of a fire hydrant. I made it using a pencil in Art 1. It is titled: hydrant
This is a scratchboard owl I made with a scratchboard in Art 1 
This is a dream catcher I made with yarn and foil in Art 1.
This is a clay basketball with a sword through it. I made it using clay, then glazed it in Art 1. It is titled: Cavs

 This is a word art made with pencils and colored pencils in Art 1. It is about how you shouldn't text while you drive

 This is a tempera painting of strawberries made with different shades of red paint. It is titled: "Strawberries". I made it in Art 1

This is an optical illusion piece I made in Art 1. It was made with a pencil and green markers